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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Implications Post

There are many upsetting statistics related to rape.  And if this trend of not testing rape kits continues then those statistics are going to get even more alarming.  Across the United States there are thousands of rape kits that have not been tested, and if this continues there could be a loss of confidence in the justice system which would lead to more crimes.
Women like Valerie Neumann, who was raped and waited over three years for her kit to be tested, have lost their faith in the justice system, after their experience with it.  If women do not feel as though their case will be treated with the concern and care that it deserves, then the number of women who report their rapes will drop severely. This will allow for more rapists to go free, when now only six percent ever see jail time.  Once rapists realize that the chance of getting caught is very low they will be more likely to rape again.  This will inevitably create a never ending circle of unreported rapes and unprosecuted rapists.

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