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Friday, October 8, 2010


I am going to address everyone's questions from my first two posts here.

To URB:  In cities like LA there are multiple rapes that occur each day. So, within a month or so there could be over 150 kits that need to be tested.  And it could cost between $250 and $1500 to test a kit.  And law enforcement officials have claimed to wait up to a year, and sometimes even two years, before getting the results. Now if you take the cost of doing a testing a rape kit and paying the technicians and forensic analysts it can probably cost about $3000 to test one rape kits; and if you get 3 rapes a day that is $9000 dollars.

To Fighting for Immigration Reform:  In some cases, a rape kit will not be tested because the police and district attorneys do not believe that it is a case that can be prosecuted and won.  And in other cases, the police and DA do not actually believe a crime has been committed.  As to who does the procedure, it can be performed by different people depending on the circumstances.  I won't be talking about this much, but if the victim was raped and murdered then the medical examiner's office will most likely perform the test.  If the victim is still alive, there are two options: a rape crisis center, which only handles rape victims, or a hospital.  A rape crisis center is a place where a victim can go for treatment without having to involve the police.  Generally, if a victim goes to the police then they are taken to the hospital for the test.  And if the victim goes to the hospital then, in most cases, the police are called in.  After the procedure has been collected and sent to the police station then it is up to the police to get it tested.

To StandUp:  I do agree with you: it does not make sense on the surface, but if you look at the money and the time, it is understandable that a backlog can occur.  However, I do not think that a backlog of 20 thousand kits is acceptable.

To Jessica H.:  I believe that your thought that victims will not come forward because they believe that their kit will not be tested has been brought up in the argument for getting all the testing done.  I hope to discuss that later on.

I hope that answers all your questions. If you need clarification on anything or have any more questions just let me know.

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